Schroders Personal Wealth (ACD)

We are responsible for the day-to-day management of the SPW Funds, ensuring that they are managed in line with their objectives, strategy and principles.

Below you will find key information and documents associated with the SPW Fund range.

If you have any queries or support needs please contact us.

Contact SPW (ACD)

Call us +44 (0) 344 822 8910

We’re available Monday to Friday, 9am–5:30pm, excluding bank holidays.

Calls may be monitored and recorded and call costs may vary depending on your service provider.

Email us

Email is not a secure method of communication, so please do not include personal information in any emails you send to us.

Use our online service to access the following:

  • Online dealing

  • Valuations

  • Transaction history

  • Webchat

  • Account maintenance

Assessment of Value

The Financial Conduct Authority requires authorised fund managers, like Schroders Personal Wealth (SPW) Authorised Corporate Director (ACD), to assess the overall value of their funds in an annual publication called the Assessment of Value. SPW (ACD) welcomes this initiative to build closer relationships with our clients through transparent and client friendly analysis of our funds.

Our assessment relates to SPW Funds only. While some of these funds are used in our sister company’s wealth model portfolio services (PDPS, IPS), these model portfolios are not assessed in this report.

Other useful information

Latest monthly review and outlook

A summary of factors driving the market during September, covering the global economy as well as major asset classes.

Protecting yourself against fraud

Fraudsters are constantly developing their tactics and looking for new ways to steal your money. It is important to recognise a scam and understand how you can help protect yourself.

Before investing you should understand the following documents

Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) - these summarise the key information relating to individual funds, including the risks.

Prospectuses - are legal documents that contain information about the make-up of your funds, how they’re invested, the risks involved, details about the fund manager, fees and expenses and other information.

Factsheets – are updated regularly and show share-class performance as well as providing fund manager commentary, the top 10 holdings and (where relevant) a breakdown of the underlying investments in the fund.

Fund NameShare ClassPrice (pence)As At DateDaily ChangeKIIDProspectusFactsheet
SPW Adventurous PortfolioQ Acc152.513-03-2025-0.20%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc154.913-03-2025-0.19%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Balanced PortfolioQ Acc122.713-03-2025-0.08%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc124.513-03-2025-0.08%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Cautious PortfolioQ Acc107.113-03-2025-0.09%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc100.313-03-2025-0.10%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Discovery PortfolioQ Acc113.813-03-2025-0.09%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc115.213-03-2025-0.09%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Dynamic PortfolioQ Acc144.213-03-2025-0.21%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc146.513-03-2025-0.20%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Progressive PortfolioQ Acc136.913-03-2025-0.15%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc139.013-03-2025-0.14%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Balanced SolutionG Acc168.913-03-20250.00%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc253.813-03-2025-0.04%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Cautious SolutionG Acc135.413-03-2025+0.07%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
G Inc105.413-03-2025+0.09%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Discovery SolutionG Acc150.913-03-2025+0.07%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
G Inc120.013-03-2025+0.08%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Dynamic SolutionG Acc219.813-03-2025-0.05%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW IPS Growth PortfolioA Acc298.513-03-2025-0.07%Download PDFDownload PDF
Q Inc233.513-03-2025-0.09%Download PDFDownload PDF
X Acc279.513-03-2025-0.07%Download PDFDownload PDF
X Inc213.413-03-2025-0.09%Download PDFDownload PDF
SPW IPS Income PortfolioA Acc146.213-03-2025+0.07%Download PDFDownload PDF
Q Inc104.513-03-2025+0.10%Download PDFDownload PDF
X Acc145.613-03-20250.00%Download PDFDownload PDF
SPW Global (ex UK) EquityQ Acc100.013-03-2025+0.37%Download PDFDownload PDF
Q Inc100.013-03-2025+0.38%Download PDFDownload PDF
X Acc100.313-03-2025+0.39%Download PDFDownload PDF
SPW Global Corporate Low Duration BondQ Inc102.203-03-20250.00%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc106.903-03-20250.00%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Global Government Low Duration BondQ Inc102.303-03-20250.00%Download PDFDownload PDF
X Acc104.703-03-2025+0.10%Download PDFDownload PDF
SPW Global High Yield BondQ Inc81.0813-03-2025+0.15%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc115.613-03-2025+0.17%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Global Investment Grade BondQ Inc84.7213-03-2025-0.21%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc109.313-03-2025-0.18%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Global Sovereign BondQ Inc88.7013-03-2025-0.08%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc104.113-03-2025-0.10%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
SPW Tactical Fund 1Q Inc100.413-03-2025+0.10%Download PDFDownload PDF
SPW Tactical Fund 2Q Inc99.0713-03-2025+0.02%Download PDFDownload PDF
SPW UK EquityB Acc195.313-03-2025-0.31%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
P Inc237.513-03-2025-0.34%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
Q Inc237.513-03-2025-0.29%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF
X Acc340.013-03-2025-0.29%Download PDFDownload PDFDownload PDF

What next?

If you want to make a new investment, top up an existing investment or switch between different funds, you’ll find all the relevant forms below to download and complete.

  • Read the latest version of the Key Investor Information Document(s) (KIIDs) for the fund(s) you want to invest in – these can be accessed via the links above. In addition, please read the Supplementary Investor Information Document (SIID).

  • Complete the relevant form – we’ve included application forms for a new investment (both ISA and General Investment Account), a fund-switch form, fund-top-up form and redemption forms. We’ve also included an ISA Transfer (In) Form if you want to transfer an ISA held elsewhere to SPW (ACD).

The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. The investor might not get back their initial investment.


For details of our remuneration policy, please click here.