Share dealing
Important information for existing clients
Schroders Personal Wealth top 5 brokers and top 5 fund managers (2019/2020)
This information is for the calendar year 2019 and 2020 and shows investments managed or administered by Schroders Personal Wealth under its Asset Management Service (consisting of the Investment Portfolio Service and Portfolio Administration Service) and Select ISA, listing up to five of the most used venues.
Information relating to the identity and quality of the execution venues used by us
For each class of financial instrument offered, we’re required to publish a summary of our conclusions from our detailed monitoring of the quality of execution obtained on the execution venues where we have executed all client orders in the previous year. The information below relates to investments managed or administered by Schroders Personal Wealth for the services mentioned above only. Prior to 1 June 2019 investments were managed by Lloyds Bank plc.
For shares and other direct holdings
We’ll exclusively transmit orders relating to shares, fixed interest investments, warrants and other direct holdings to Halifax Share Dealing Limited (HSDL) & Fusion Wealth Limited for execution or further transmission. HSDL & Fusion have been selected for their ability in aiming to achieve the best possible results. Please refer to our providers websites (links below) for information which confirms execution quality for the orders handled via their service.
Best Execution Policy - Fusion Wealth
For collective investments
We’ll execute orders relating to holdings in collective investment schemes directly with the fund provider. This ensures timely settlement with full disclosure of price and any associated cost in aiming to achieve the best possible results.
For collective investments we don’t pay or accept any fee, commission or other non- monetary benefit if it’s likely to impair our ability to act in your best interests or it’s not permitted under the applicable regulations.
When executing orders in collective investment schemes, the most important factors taken into account are price and transaction costs. In certain circumstances, we may also take into account other factors such as speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size or any other consideration that we deem relevant for the purposes of dealing with your order.
Schroders Personal Wealth has established and implemented a conflicts policy to ensure close links to execution venues or other factors that give precedence over immediate price and cost when executing retail client orders.