Ongoing advice

We are delighted that you have chosen to receive regular financial advice and are enjoying the benefit, of ongoing support from a specialist adviser, two things we believe are the foundations for a healthy financial future.

Meeting with your Personal Wealth Adviser regularly to talk about your finances, review your needs and make sure you are on track to meet your goals can help give you peace of mind.

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An Ongoing Advice Service client benefits from…

  • An adviser and support team here to support you on your journey and answer your questions.

  • 24/7 access to view your investments online.

  • The opportunity to broaden your financial knowledge by receiving market commentary, insights, and webinars on important topics.

  • Access to dedicated Investment Specialists who will provide additional insight to investment performance and the economic outlook.

  • An automatic ISA top-up service within your portfolio – if you choose this option.

Charges as an Ongoing Advice Service client….

  • As an Ongoing Advice Service client, you are charged 0.65% annually on amounts invested up to £1 million.

  • This 0.65% annual fee is tiered after the first £1million reducing to 0.15% for amounts over £5m and paid monthly in arrears.

  • If there are no significant changes to your needs or circumstances, there will be no additional charges, for any new amounts invested into existing products after the first 12 months. This includes adding money to your existing products. You will only pay the Ongoing Advice Fee.

  • If your situation changes and your adviser recommends a new product or a pension switch, you will be charged a One-off Advice Fee of 1.75%, but only on your new investment.

  • From 1st July 2024 a maximum One-off Advice Fee of £20,000 will apply.

How our fees work in practice

Our goal is to remain competitive for advice fees and charges, offering you the best value. See how this works for people like you in the following examples…

More information

If you have any questions, simply call us on 0808 109 2071 or if you are an Ongoing Advice Service client, you can speak to your Personal Wealth Adviser who will be able to help.