How talking about money matters could improve your financial wellbeing

  • Leanne Lancaster, Personal Finance Writer
  • 08 November 2023
  • 5 mins reading time

Money is a topic that often comes with its fair share of stress, anxiety, and misunderstandings. Yet, it plays such an important role in our lives. One way to help improve your financial wellbeing is by discussing money matters with your loved ones openly and honestly.

Our recent Money and Mind Report found that 64 percent of the 1,000 UK adults surveyed are concerned or very concerned about their finances with 87 percent stating that their mental wellbeing is impacted as a result.

Despite this, less than half (46 percent) said they would talk to their partner about their financial concerns and, worryingly, only 4 percent would seek professional advice from a financial adviser.

So, here are five benefits which we believe will improve your financial wellbeing by opening up about money worries.

1. Aligned financial goals and priorities

Discussing money with your loved ones allows you to align your financial goals and priorities. So, when it comes to saving for a holiday, buying a home, or planning for retirement, open conversations help ensure that everyone is on the same page. When you share common objectives, it becomes easier to work together and support each other financially.

It also helps to create a budget and financial plan together, and we believe this is an essential step toward financial wellbeing. When you involve your loved ones in this process, you can pool your resources and make collective decisions about how to allocate funds. This collaborative approach can lead to more effective financial planning and savings.

2. Avoid financial conflicts

Money can be a source of conflict in relationships. By openly discussing money matters, you can prevent misunderstandings and arguments related to finances. Open and honest communication can help in resolving financial conflicts, which, when left unaddressed, can strain relationships.

Discussing money matters with loved ones can also help to build trust. Sharing financial information shows transparency and a commitment to working together. Trust is a vital component of any relationship, and it’s crucial when it comes to financial wellbeing.

3. Teaches financial responsibility

When you talk about money with your family, especially with children or young adults, you have an opportunity to educate them about financial responsibility. These conversations can instil good financial habits and help the next generation make informed decisions about money.

4. Allows you to plan for the unexpected

Life is unpredictable, and financial emergencies can happen to anyone. Discussing financial matters with your loved ones allows you to plan for unexpected events by creating emergency funds and putting insurance policies in place. This preparation can provide peace of mind and reduce the stress associated with financial concerns.

5. Better investment decisions

If you’re considering investments, discussing them with family members could lead to more informed decisions. You can tap into the collective knowledge and experience of your loved ones, potentially increasing the chances of making wise investment choices.

Remember that when investing, the value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed, therefore you may get back less than you invest.

Talking openly and honestly about money matters can lead to reduced stress and stronger relationships. So, don’t shy away from talking about money – it might just be one of the best financial decisions you ever make.

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