Women, pensions and divorce: What you need to know

  • 04 November 2021
  • 1 hour viewing time

Did you know that only 16% of women are really confident about their rights to their partners pension when it comes to a divorce?*

While no one wants to think about a relationship breakdown, it can be good to understand your pension rights should you ever need to know.

In this video, our panel of experts explain more about the intricate details of pensions and divorce, and how you can potentially improve your retirement provisions.

*Source: Schroder Personal Wealth Women, Pensions and Divorce research, August 2021

Pensions are a long-term investment. The retirement benefits you receive from your pension plan depend on a number of factors including the value of your plan when you decide to take your benefits, which isn’t guaranteed, and can go down as well as up. The benefits of your plan could fall below the amount(s) paid in.

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